Monday, 6 September 2010

Ever The Same

Read this passage in EDWJ (Every Day with Jesus) today (it's dated 5th March...HAHA!) and thought it to be rather interesting and heartwarming...

"He (God) did not pick us up with a pair of celestial tongs and hold us before His gaze in order to study and understand our struggles and sufferings - He wrapped Himself in our flesh and experienced our pains in the same way we experience them."

The many times I thought Him to be distant, His love remains...
The many times I thought Him to be hiding, His presence reaffirms...
The many times I thought Him to be nonchalant, His cross reminds...

These truths are but convictions deep within my soul...But I need a fresh, explosive, heart-breaking, face-to-face, life-transfusion encounter with God again man. He's still silent and all...Maybe I've just lost too much faith to bother seeking Him. I'm becoming a deist man - One who believes that God created the world but left it to rot and die.

I needa include this rhythm of spending time with God regularly man...To transform my deistic self to become an evangelical theist all over again. Help me God. I really need you cos I've reached a point where no one else can help me. No one, but You. Amen.

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