Finally I'm blogging about my family trip to
Langkawi 2 weeks ago.
All in all, the trip was really, really refreshing, relaxing and relating to nature.
The trip was one of the first where I really was awed by the beauty of God's creation. The luscious green trees, the azure waters, the unsullied fresh air, the pristine landscape, the soothing crash of the waves and the striking orange horizon all interwove to create a magnificence and awe that overwhelmed a tiny, insignificant being like me.
So yup, I shall let the pictures tell the story :)
Our arrival - Jerina & Me :)We then set off in our rented Proton Saga to our first
un-named destination which is near our hotel on the sea. And yes, I didn't type wrongly. It's hotel ON, literally ON the sea :)
Check out the beautiful harbour at our first stop :)
Our first stop. Me, Jeravan, Jerina & Mum :)After having KFC (no better place to eat there) at the harbour, we set off for our even more beautiful hotel.
Our hotel room which sat on the waves. :)After nua-ing in our hotel room for an hour or so, we then set off with our fishing gear to explore the waters that were teeming with life.
Fishing! Daddy + 3 of us :)
Still fishing...
Caught fish. This is just one picture. Haha.My brother just has what my dad calls "fish luck". Each time he casts the line, 2-4 average sized fishes will bite the hook within 5 minutes.
Me? First time, caught a few good ones. After that, it was just the fishing rod and me. Haha!
Done fishing. :)Then we proceeded to a Thai restaurant and handed them our prized catches for them to whoop up a meal for us :)
@ the Thai Restaurant
These fishes look familiar. O we caught them earlier! haha. They'll now be swimming in our bellies and later, our bloodstream. haha.Second day, we headed for the mountain tops! We took a really long cable car ride up there. SCARY.
Me & Jeravan in the cable car :)
This is how high up we were going - Look at the islands down below! Whew!
@ the peak. :D
Sign says we're 710metres above sea level. I thought we're already in heaven. Haha!If you wondered what was up there on the mountain, there was a MOUNTAIN-TREE TOP WALK.
In Singapore parks, we have tree-top walks. There, the treetops were like those in the fable "Jack and the beanstalk"! Our trees back in Singapore seemed like some bean sprout to these uber-tall trees. Looking down the treetop walk brought many butterflies to our stomach. Haha. Thus, I named it the 'butterfly trail'. LOLS.
In the middle of the Mountain-tree top walk :)
The end of the 'butterfly trail'Day 3 was spent in the city! :) That means SHOPPING! ;D haha. I love shopping, especially in Malaysia because all the merchandise in Malaysia are always on 50% discount to Singaporeans. HAHA! [If you still didn't get it, it's the exchange rate la bohdo. haha]
So our first stop were the city's attractions:
The harbour, or bay or whatever you call it. Haha.
Langkawi's icon: An eagle with the words Langkawi below it.We were joking that the eagle meant that corruption was still soaring in Langkawi. Haha! Hope we don't get sued for this. Heehee.
After this, we went on our shopping spree - my mum, my sister and I :)
After ending our shopping spree, we went to visit the beaches and Langkawi falls.
One of the many beaches :)Talking about beaches, my brother and I spent quite a few hours at the beach and caught a few crabs. They were then brought back to our hotel room for some science experiments. HAHA!
The crabs stayed with us for a few days :) And then returned to their maker. HAHA!
Langkawi "falls"The langkawi falls was half a scam. There we saw nothing but a small rivulet of water flowing down the cliff. They said it was the dry season or something like that. Haha.
Nevertheless, we snapped a picture there to make our journey there worth it. HAHA!
Our last day was spent snapping whatever remains of the resort we haven't took picture with like the swimming pool. Haha.
The swimming pool. Who needs the pool when you've got the sea? haha.
Our last breakfast.So yup, that was my family trip there.
Provided much insight for me into the interwoven intricacy and splendour of nature that it is impossible for it to come by any other explanation than God.
This trip was also a relaxing one, no hectic, rushy itinerary but a more slow-paced, relaxed, enjoyable one. :)
Thank God for this little retreat! :)