Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sherry's Birthday (cont'd)

As usual, there are many camera witnesses to an event. I just found more evidences of my presence there. Haha!

Here's the rest of the unposted pictures:

Me in act cute specs! :D HAHA!

 Vivien Lew, Aaron Leong & Myself, in my natural cuteness :D :)

 My awesome drawing!! :)

I must elaborate on the picture above! We're playing the game (as mentioned in my previous post) "pass on the drawing".

The first person will look at the answer...a word. The person then has like 20seconds to draw it before showing it to the next person to draw...This cycle goes on until the 6th person, who is the guesser.

The guesser, upon seeing the last person's drawing will guess the answer! Fun right?? :D

Anyway, none of the teams got it right, except MINE!! :D My team below!

My drawing team! :)

And it's all because of the first draw-er/artist, ME! :D Haha! My depiction of a fan is so well done that the rest could get it and pass it along! HAHAHA!

 Me + Aaron's ukelele, Abigail & Andrina :)

 Sherry's awesome birthday cake! :)

Yup, that should be all the pictures there is already...haha. When's the next birthday celebration??

Lebbillie's birthday!! :) Haha.

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