Monday, 2 January 2012

NTU Christmas Partæ! :)

Yes we celebrated Christmas early! On the 16th December 2011..haha. We just invited our NTU friends randomly :) Of course my whole DIP group was invited...haha. 7 out of 11 people present there were from my DIP group :) Haha.

This little get together was planned by myself, Chor Seng & Kai Sen :) I intended it to be an evangelistic one so we met up twice to really pray for the event and for our friend's hearts. A total of about 4 hours was spent in prayer :)

Yup, we met up before that to plan games, and plan the Christmas carols and even sat down together during our overnight prayer meeting (24) to edit the song "12 days of Christmas"...Haha...Will show you what we came up with later :)

The event started at 5pm...or rather, the function room booking started at 5pm :) And we also reached there at that time..Haha! We then started putting up the decorations...actually...we put up the decorations late...Haha.

We left the decorations back at my we ended up setting up the place only. Nevertheless, here's the awesome decorations! :)


Christmas stuffed toys :)

After all the setting up, we started with our first event of the day! :)

Yup, we started with GAMES! :) Duh...haha. The 1st game we played is the name game...that goes "Kai Sen 4" then Kai Sen has to say "Kai Sen, Kai Sen, Kai Sen, Kai Sen" Haha...That was just the first ice-breaker :)

And from that game, we got our 2 forfeit-ers! :) The 2 Sengs! :) Chor and Kian Seng! HAHA!
Standard ice-breaker forfeit was implemented la...7 wonders...Haha. So we got them hugging each other real closely...Haha.

Chor Seng & Kian Seng :)

Fulfilling the non-forfeiters demands...Haha

The 2nd ice-breaker we played is the "cat and mouse" game or otherwise known by our Heart of God church members as "you and I collide"...haha. That energetic game really got us going...haha!

So after the first round of games, we had dinner! :) Spaghetti, chicken wings, nuggets, etc...sponsored by my mum :) And pizza brought by Kah Wei! :) His mum work's at Canadian pizza...Haha. And as I am typing this post, I just realized that...I haven't paid Kah Wei back for his pizza!! Haha! Will settle it soon :) Lols.

My mum's aglio olio spaghetti :)

Canadian 2 for 1 pizza brought by Kah Wei :)

Yup, after eating we continued with our last game...TABOO! We didn't, however, play with the Taboo cards...I brought paper and pen :) And we split the group into 2! :) We're supposed to set the words for each other! HAHA!

So we decided on a category by which we can set our words...Our category was "Movies" :) So like the Taboo card, we're supposed to decide on the movie title and accompany it with 6 words that you're not supposed to say to describe the answer :)

After much brainstorming, we still described all the answers really much for the discussion eh...Haha!

After that was the main thing...CAROLLING! :) haha..."What's a Christmas party without carolling?" was my rhetoric when my idea of having carolling faced resistance with Kai Sen...Haha!

The carols sheet :)

The first song we did was "12 days of Christmas" NTU remix! :) Haha! Copyrighted by  Jonavan, Chor Seng and Kai Sen :)

On the twelfth (12th) day of Christmas
NTU give to me
12 holidays
11 canteens
10 chao ah-neh
9 make-up lectures
8 core modules
7 is recess week
6 semesters
5 for GPA
4 y-egg prata
3 shuttle bus
2 DE Hong Kee
And Wang Youyi as my buddy

I'm sure our fellow EEE NTU friends will identify readily with the song lyrics...Haha! The "2 DE Hong Kee" refers to our 2 lecturers of our module, Digital Electronics (DE). Both of 'em are from Hong Kong...Haha!

And Wang Youyi? He is the famed "he-talk-you-don't-understand" china lecturer. Seriously. He just droningly reads of the slides (which I don't think he prepared) in his heavy, nasal, China accent...leaving us lost. And then he sets the hardest questions in the exam paper... -__-"

Haha...yup..on with the carolling...So yup, here we have our famous local-artiste and songwriter Jonavan Lee...HAHAHA! :P

ME! :) Holding a G2 chord :) Haha!

Carolling shot 1...

Carolling shot 2 :)

All of us :) The empty seat there is the photographer's seat, Chor Seng who was feeling really weak, thus the shaky hands and blur photo...HAHA! :P

I must say that the carolling volume was good. Haha! I was expecting something like my cell group worship session (in Bethel) with my first new cell group with my boys...HAHA! I thought like only Chor Seng, Kai Sen and Yong Jian will sing along...but thankfully, my expectations were not met...most of them were singing it along :) Haha! Whew...If not I'd be busy trying to hype them to sing along...Thank God. LOLS.

After the carolling was the most important planned event. My evangelistic exhortation! :) Haha. After I prepared my sharing, I let Chor Seng & Kai Sen vet it...see if it's too much. Haha. Well, they felt it was ok...haha.

Anyway, the transition from the carolling to my sharing was kinda awkward as I slowly revealed the purpose of my lil' chat with them :) Hahaha. But thanks to Kai Sen & Chor Seng who really helped to create the wasn't that bad. Haha.

During the games also, they were throughout helping to make it fun and all. Haha. Yup, thanks a lot Charles & Bryan! HAHAHA! You've understood the power of creating atmosphere like in Heart of God church.

When you learn to utilize this dynamic, it really is powerful. So many churches don't and you can really, really feel the difference. Once you step into Heart of God church and go to other churches thereafter, you'll know what I mean. Of course I'm not saying atmosphere is EVERYTHING, but it is SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT that reveals the state of the congregation to a certain extent and makes the congregation and new-comer feel ALIVE...Haha. Ok I'll stop my analytical thoughts now...Lols.

Yup, as I was sharing halfway...The Holy Spirit led Kai Sen to share his testimony with our friends :) It was unrehearsed but really powerful and eloquent. It was a life story added on to the point I was illustrating. Haha. So yup, thanks Kai Sen for easing my sharing load :) Haha.

After that I ended the sharing with the last Christmas carol we sang "How Many Kings". No I didn't do a salvation call or altar call...duh...Not very appropriate eh? Haha.

So after closing in prayer, we did "Felix Navidad" in closing, wishing each other a Merry Christmas :)

After that, we're back to playing Wii and we all went down to play pool :) Oh, and without my primary school friend and neighbour, Pak Nian, the pool booking wouldn't have been possible! Haha!

Me & Pak Nian :)

Yes, I am still a resident in Eastpoint Green but we've rented our unit the facilities booking power now belongs to our tenant...not the landlord. Haha.

Anyway, it was all super divinely engineered. I was fretting over how to book the billiard table...when suddenly, I received a facebook friend request from Pak Nian...HAHA! It didn't occur to me to ask him immediately upon adding him...but upon adding him, we started to chat...That's when *TINGG* "WHY NOT ASK PAK NIAN TO BOOK THE BILLIARD TABLE FOR ME? :D" thought came...haha!

So yup, everything settled! And we even met up to have a nice lil' chat :) Haha. Yup, Pak Nian's the nerdy, smart-aleck prefect I knew in primary school. Haha. Now, much more less nerdy and more manly after army...HAHA! LOLS!

So yup, pictures of us playing pool :)

Yong Jian & I :)

Alex & I :)

Sam potting the ball...or trying to pot...HAHA! :P

Kian Seng hitting the ball...and you can see Kai Sen & Joniece behind having a HTHT :D HAHAHA!

Kian Seng & Myself :)

Take 2 :) Because the previous picture was kinda dark...haha

After pool? Go back lo...Haha. So before leaving, what do you do? Take more photos...Haha!

Me & Kai Sen (supposedly) + Sam who barged in...haha

Chor Seng, myself and Kai Sen :)

Me & Sam :D

Kai Sen & myself...with Sam intruding into the picture...AGAIN. Haha!

Me, Joniece & Zhi Hong :) Yes, Joniece was the only girl present! VVVIP!! HAHA!

Kah Wei, Tian Rui & myself :)

Group photo 1! :)

Take 2 :)

Yup, we had an AWESOME TIMEEEE! :) Haha...And for Chor Seng, Kai Sen & myself, we had an awesome time planning and praying together for this event too :)

Thank God for yet another opportunity for us to sow the seeds of His love into our friend's lives. We know that the seed sown will bear fruit one day :)

As I always encourage my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ when we share the Good News, we are sharing God's word and Isaiah 55:11 says "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Yup, prayerfully, our friends will discover and turn to the One who has designed that vacuum in our souls and stop filling up the vacuum with the temporal pleasures and what the world has to what I've shared. Haha.

Another 2.5 years to go before we get our degree! SO FAST!! Jia you Jonavan and all my dear friends! :) Like what we sang in the first Christmas Carol (NTU edit) "5 for GPA!!" :D Onward!

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