Thursday 10 September 2009

Dead Sea Scrolls :D

After asking a truckload of friends to go the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition with me, I finally went with my family and Jonathan Wong :)

Haha. He's pretty keen so he came :D

It was a pretty enriching experience. Seeing all the evidences for which all the skeptics always challenge my faith for. There were mini lectures given over there too :) To explain all the artefacts in each of those rooms :D

God said His word will last forever. But it was almost wiped out by the Romans during war time centuries ago. Haha.

So here are some of the pictures :D For ALL the pictures, they're in my facebook :D

The first stop was the lecture hall :D

Jonathan, Me, Jeravan, my dad & Jerina :)

I just realised that Jonathan's name fits well into my family of Js too. HAHA! LOLS.

A fragment of the Bible of the book Psalm 11:1, 4

Archaeologists found some 18,000 of such fragments and they tried putting them together but had a hard time.

Finally infrared technology and DNA matching was discovered and intepreting the words on these manuscripts became so much easier for them to put the 18,000 pieces together.

These were written on sheep's skin, so DNA matching is important. They will take the DNA of all the pieces and match them together with those having the same DNA.

They took SIXTY years to bring all these 18,000 fragments together! SIXTY years! Imagine. We must thank those hardworking archaeologists man.

After 60 years, they put them together only to let a few hundred scholars intepret them into understandable languages they used then - like Latin, Middle English, etc...

The Bible came a long, supernatural way. God must've preserved them man.

HANDWRITTEN manuscript

When I was told that the paper thingy I was looking at was handwritten, my jaw dropped. It was before the time printers and typewriters were invented. Haha.

The most amazing part about these Esscene Jew scribes is that they are celibate (don't get married) and devote their lives to copying scripts. Imagine copying essays your whole life! So the result is near perfection copies of the many writings of the Bible we have today.

The only mistakes between these copies are just minor punctuation errors which doesn't affect the message of the script at all.

Me & Jonathan with the first copy of the authorised King James Version (KJV) Bible :D

They also covered who translated the Bible from which language to which language. Haha. Each translation of the Bible involves at least 20-50 Jewish Bible scholars. Crazy!

They quarrelled with each other more than translating the Bible. HAHA! A bunch of pompous, "all-knowing" scholars coming together will only result in some brushes. But thank God they finally finished what they were supposed to do. HAHA!

Jon, Me, Jerina & Jeravan with the ~15kg Bible in super old English. Haha. Worse than KJV.

Mummy & Daddy :)

Feeling like a Pharisee. HAHA! If that's how they pontificate the word of God, it's pretty scary. HAHA!

Jon & Myself with some movable bible :D haha..

So yup, it was a really memorable event for me as I got to know the evidences behind the book I put my life on, my faith in and my hopes in.

It was also memorable because it's my last day before I entered NS! HAHA! So thank you Jonathan Wong & thank you Daddy, Mummy, Jeravan & Jerina for making this day an eventful one :)

I'm just so glad that I have a faith that's substantiated not like other religions. I don't mean to cause any religious riots but you've gotta admit that Christianity stands the strongest in terms of historical evidences. It has more than 6000+ manuscripts to prove Jesus' existence and many more to prove the OT.

Even some atheist scholars and many historians agree that Christianity stands firm on historical facts.

So yeah, I recommend you all go for this event! It's worth it! Once in a lifetime such stuffs are exhibited in Singapore. :D

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