Saturday 3 July 2010

The Paradox of Our Age - Dalai Lama

The Paradox of Our Age
by The Dalai Lama

We have bigger houses but smaller families;
More conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less sense;
More knowledge, but less judgment;
More experts, but more problems;
More medicines, but less healthiness;
We've been all the way to the moon and back,
But have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.
We build more computers to hold more information
To produce more copies than ever but have less communication.
We have become long on quantity, but short on quality.
These are times of fast foods but slow digestion;
Tall man but short character;
Steep profits but shallow relationships.
It's a time when there is much in the window,
but nothing in the room.

I saw this on Anna's blog & was pretty wow-ed by the words of this controversial leader. He has a point here. A really big issue that all of us are trying to rectify.

How often do we put performance before persons? Or put charisma before character? Do we seek to keep our pay while neglecting or disregarding our colleagues?

Have we forgotten what it means to be human?

I sometimes do forget what it means to love people unconditionally. In my office there is this guy that is always "bullied" and gang-banged whenever he does a small thing wrong. They label him "idiot" and all...But to me, he is a really, really nice guy that'd go the extra mile for you.

But because of his somewhat blur-ness, playfulness and un-tactful frankness, people disregard him. But I like his straight-forwardness and candour. As for his playfulness, I just play along so long he doesn't go overboard (he seldom does go overboard). As for his blur-ness, it's what makes him uniquely cute. Haha. Add it all together and it will equate to him. Take anything away from that equation and he'll no longer be who he is.

Everyone wants to make a living and wants to be accepted, respected and loved...Sometimes we ought to check ourselves first before ostracizing yet another...

If only we'd accept more, judge less; trust more, assume less; extend grace more, condemn less...This reminds me of the song "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback. How true does this truth resound?

How foolish mankind can sometimes be, rectifying the problems at the surface and not rectifying the root of the problem...our odious, deceitful, heinous, selfish and sinful heart.

I know only of one known cure for the heart...And I've installed this anti-virus into my system. That cure, that anti-virus is Jesus.

God, please keep my heart ever so soft toward your people. For after all, this is what life is about...Relationships, people. Let me not veer away from this deep conviction that so many people lack today :) Amen. :D

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