This is my band, Behind Axis :) The band I oversaw. According to Aaron Leong who suggested the band name, Axis means the cross, so our band name means behind the cross. Haha. Got meaning one hor. LOLS!
Anyway, they're a great, fun and cool group of people and got 2nd place in THE FINALE!! That's was an achievement citing that most of them are new musicians :D Great job guys! :D
This was us in the jamming studio rehearsing our songs :)
Jerilene, Aaron Leong, Joylynn, Me, Justin, Joseph Chan, Evangelin, Alvin Qiu :)
And this was us after the performance by which we got 2nd place! :)
Behind Axis :D
These are my Intermediate Acoustic Guitar students! :) Marcus went home a little too early so he wasn't in the picture. Haha. But yeah, a really cool bunch of people too :) Jia you in your guitar skills! :D
Joshua Wee, Me, Ding Zhou and Sharon Quo :D
Next up was the camp! My group name is SURE PEAK!! Whoo hoo :) haha. We coined that name with our randomly given letters. Haha. So yeah.
The first day: MRT hunt. Great game, had fun and was pretty tiring too :)
Now this is the highlight of our group in the MRT hunt, CATCHING THIS BUS! We ran ONE WHOLE bus stop just to catch this bus! So our sitting in there was hard-earned ok! Haha.
Jasmine & Li Mei :)
Me, Aaron Tan, Jerome & Samuel :)
This is a picture of us with our bid-ded pizza. Haha. All the teams as they play their games, earn points so we use our points to bid for FOOD :D And guess what? Our team bid-ded for the best item! PIZZA! Cos the items after that were pretty crappy. HAHAHA.
Aaron Tan, Me, Jeremy Lim, Samuel, Jasmine, Li Mei and Jerome :)
Next day we had a little "Do It All For You" event. My group was given 4 sponges with a pail and we were tasked to SERVE (the STRETCH theme) anyone in the nearby vicinity.
So, then came Eunice with an idea which we eventually adopted "Why don't you all go to the nearby hawker centre and help them wash the dishes?"
So off we went to the second nearest hawker centre to help with the dishes :) Then we helped Meryl's group clear some rubbish...haha...So yeah...
Samuel, Me & Li Mei washing dishes :D
So here are some of the pictures :)
Jeremy Lim with too much make up. HAHAHA!! It's flour. LOLS!
Benjamin Tan, Jonathan Wong & Me :)
Kirk, me, Jerome & Samuel :)
Me & my dear Daryl :)
Me, Jon Wee, Melvin & Ps Aaron :D
Finally, Me & my darling Melvin :D
Now to the most personal part of my post...What God spoke to me about.
On the 2nd day during the worship session Lebbeus was leading, God really revealed one area in my life which needed some rectification.
God spoke to me through the song "God of My Forever". Frankly speaking, I don't like that song. HAHA. And once I don't like that song, I kinda get closed and God won't speak to me. But this time, God still did and He did through the word "Forever". Details shall be left to my besties and people that ask :D haha!
Next was the teacher's appreciation BBQ. God used Yining to speak to me and shed light on my many character flaws. My pre-judgementalism, negativism and skepticism was neutralised and my trust in God was once again restored.
These 2 things that God spoke to me really changed my perspective, direction and hope toward the establishment of His kingdom. Main thing He solidified in my spiritual life is TRUST in God's infinite wisdom, for He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. :)
I've got so much more to learn.
So yup, thank God for this STRETCH camp 2009! :) and Thank God for great organisers like Yining and Daryl! :)
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