Tuesday 23 June 2009

24 Redemption

I was watching the movie 24 Redemption during work today.

This movie is basically about two american navy SEALS who after retiring gave their lives to start this black children's home to help the oppressed black people. Then a little skirmish broke out and there was a lot of fighting and these two heroic navy SEALS put their lives on the line just to see the bunch of black kids from their children's home get of that place safe. The series of events showed how innocent yet dumb the kids are which caused one of the navy SEALS death.

As I was watching the show, I was just thinking to myself, what are these two highly trained navy SEALS protecting this bunch of dumb, stupid, not-so-cute, unworthy, useless and seemingly futureless black kids for?

It wasn't until there was this scene where one of the manly navy SEALs gave this crying black kid a big hug of reassurance that everything's gonna be fine.

Then it dawned on me: This, in essence, is a depiction of Jesus' love for us.
We are like those unlovable, dumb, stupid, seemingly futureless black kids. In our stupidity we caused one of the navy SEALS death. We totally are undeserved of the navy SEAL's help and love. But God still chose to love us and lead us stubborn-minded human race back to safety.

And Satan while observing how much sacrifice God is putting on the line to save us must also be wondering "Why is God so obsessed with saving and loving this bunch of disgusting, futureless, dumb, stupid and useless race of human beings?!"

But God in His sovereignty still loves us. Fullstop. It's His love agape, unconditional love that no man, angel nor demon can fathom.

When that whole revelation dawned on me, the hugging scene between the navy SEAL and the black kid almost moved me to tears. It was as if God was hugging and reassuring me that everything's going to be fine.

So yeah, this really spoke to me. I love you Jesus :) Always :)

Anyway, my job is gettin' boring with literally nothing to do after teaching my classes. I'll then just sit at my laptop for hours and chat, watch a movie, type out my documents, write cards, etc...

What keeps me going is the pay, and the fulfillment of having helped someone attain an engineering enlightenment. HAHA.

My students will connect their circuits O so diligently and when the LED(s) doesn't light up when they flip the power switch they get irritatingly puzzled. Then they'll raise their hands or call me for assistance and I will see what the problem is, identify it and they go "OH YA!!" or "ORRRRR!! I SEEE!!" and they will thank me profusely.

That is what keeps me staying on the job - my conversations with my cool students and helping them and seeing the *Eureka* look on their face :)

And I'll be flying to Langkawi for a family holiday from this wednesday to saturday. So I'll see whoever's reading this back in S'pore this saturday! :) Bye! :D

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