Sunday, 31 July 2011

Anna Misses You BBQ! :) + 1st drive session + overnight L4D

Anna's back from Mexico/US! :) And upon her return, she throws a "Anna Misses You" party at Joel's house! Haha. Anna's really good at making excuses to have group meetings...which is awesome. I love to do that too. Haha.

Yup, pictures...
Merylmy, Abi, Me & Anna :)

And btw, the shirt Abi's wearing is bought by Merylmy & myself for her as her b'day gift! :) Nice right? HAHA! The moment we saw the shirt we all hit the "Bingo" button at the same we bought it :) Haha.

And if you're wondering who's merylmy...then you needa brush up on your phonics and pronunciation...Meryl + Jeremy = Merylmy! :) HAHA! Abigail coined this shortform. Haha.

Candid shot...Don't I look good candid? HAHA!

Now I look better...LOLS!

If you're wondering what am I putting to my's those long-ish mushrooms wrapped in meat and BBQed with a slab of cheese on it. Awesome. Made by Merylmy if I'm not wrong. Haha.

Me & Jeremy :)

Boomer melee attack on a un-suspecting survivor in L4D3. HAHA!

I switched team to become infected...So now u have a smoker and boomer making friends. HAHA!

If I had made the above 2 pictures the cover photo for my album or for my blog post, you'd have thought that I should've titled my post "Joel misses you BBQ!" HAHA!

Abigail & myself take 1...

Take 2...

After she looked at the first shot taken, she was like "Ahh! Take again! Can see my thighs!" HAHA! I really don't get it...It's not like her thighs are heinously fat or loaded what...They're what most girls would wish for. Haha. Oh well, I guess she has her reasons...haha!

Finally, a shot with the central person of the whole event...Anna :)

She's super tan now. The western sun has baked her brown. Haha. In her AA videos you can also see that. But I think Amanda's fine though. Or is she not? Haha.

Group photo! :)

Oh, Anthony was also there but he left mid-way. Anyway, had a cool time together...sang lotsa songs because there were like 4 playlists there...Anna's phone, someone else's phone taking turns to plug into the speakers...Guess who're the other 2 playlists? Me & Joel! HAHA! On the guitar. Lols.

Yup, had a great time catching up...but didn't catch up too much either. Lols.

Joel & my day didn't end after this event...We went out to L4D with Lebbillie, Yang Cheng & Ding Zhou! :) HAHA!

It was Lebbillie's last day in Singapore before she departs for Australia for the last we decided to give her a dose of L4D before she flies to Oz. Haha.

And guess what? Joel let me drive his car there! HAHA! I just passed my driving 2 days before man. LOLS! And Anna brought her P plate for me...Haha! So we had all the necessary ingredients for me to drive! HAHA!

The fact that I'm blogging this shows that we didn't die. HAHAHA!

Anyway, we ended LAN at 4am. I slept at Lebbillie's place. By the time I was ready to sleep, it was already 5am....

I wanted to sleep for like an hour before I wake up to take first few bus 969 home. But when I opened my eyes, it was 8am! Whoa, 4 hours! Haha.

Anyway, I didn't fall asleep in the HoGC service. HAHA! True soldier indeed! LOLS!

Anyway, welcome back Anna & farewell Lebbillie for the last time! :)

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