Wednesday, 6 October 2010

My Braces Journey: The Armour

The last visit was the longest ever man. I sat in the dental chair for a good 1hr45mins - 2hours while my doctor put on all the individual brackets on my teeth...aka, armour. Haha. The previous post was entitled "The Clothing" right? Now comes the armour man...

See what I mean?
 The infusion of my teeth's armour. And yes, my favourite colour's all over my braces bands...Haha! :D

My doctor asked me "What band colour do you want for your braces?"
Without hesitation I replied "YELLOW :D"
Haha! Some preferences are innate. I was born to love yellow. :D

Anyway, here's what transpired in NDC level 4, Dr Jason Su's cubicle...After cleaning my teeth, he went on to put the "glue" on my bottom teeth to stick the individual brackets to it. Before he did the insertion, he put 3 rolls of cotton at the bottom of my mouth to open it up.

And toward the end of the armour-ing of my bottom teeth, 1 roll of cotton dislodged and went into my throat!!! It choked me real bad. It was like half in my gullet and half in my mouth. WHOA! I simply vomitted out the whole roll of cotton...and accompanying it was quite abit of blood from the bleeding after the cleaning of my teeth -__-"

This is just the start. After inserting the brackets, he began tying the wires across the top of it. That's when one of the brackets came off and flew onto the chair I was lying on...Whoa...The doctor then re-attached it.

Next, as he was tying the wires across the bottom part of the brackets, another bracket flew OUT! This time, it flew to my THROAT!!! The doctor was like "DON'T SWALLOW, DON'T SWALLOW..." as he took the bracket out of my mouth with his tweezer. The moment he took it out, I again felt that surge of vomitting feeling...Cos when something touches the end of your tongue you'll feel like vomitting.

Thankfully, I swallowed neither of the stuffs I choked on. Thank God man. Haha.

Anyway, I've been unable to chew on literally anything the past 2 days. I've been swallowing all my food. From swallowing kuay chap to porridge to mee sua. I tried biting on a steamed piece of fishcake...It resulted in sudden jolts of pain sent through my whole row of newly armoured teeth.

-_-" I'm packing porridge for lunch to camp every day till I can chew again man..Cookhouse & canteen doesn't cater to us braces-boys & toothless old people..haha.

Overall, I'm coping well with all of it :D Let's hope it stays that way :) Haha!

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